Police Jurors

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The Bienville Parish Police Jury is the governing body of the parish, establishing goals and objectives to direct the parish's growth and development, and carries out other responsibilities as set forth by Louisiana statutes.  Jurors are elected from each of the seven districts in the parish to serve a four-year term.  The Jury oversees parish operations and enacts ordinances and resolutions to promote the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and businesses in the parish, and approves the annual budget and millage rate which funds the operations of the offices and departments under the Jury's jurisdiction.

Agendas and Minutes to Police Jury meetings can be found at bienvilleparishjournal.com

The Bienville Parish Policy Jurors are: 

District 1
Mr. Bill Sims
2342 Beech Street
Arcadia, LA 71001

District 2
Mr. Jerry Roberson
914 Smith Street
Arcadia, LA 71001

District 3
Mr. Darryl Ryder - President
1694 HWY 794
Gibsland, LA 71028

District 4
Mr. Jerry Bates
2569 HWY 792
Heflin, LA 71039
318-470-8590 - cell
jerbat4b@yahoo.com - email

District 5
Mr. Vic Fowler
208 Rowell Road
Ringgold, LA 71068
318-894-8774 - home
318-453-3071 - cell

District 6
Mr. Michael Nelson - Vice President
169 Punkin Center Rd
Castor, LA 71016
318-544-7607 - home
318-294-9242 - cell

District 7
Mr. Keith Duck
6240 Hwy 155
Saline, LA 71070
318-510-0743 - cell

Mr. Rodney L. Warren

100 Courthouse Drive, Suite 2100
Arcadia LA 71001
Phone: 318-263-2019
Fax: 318-263-7404
Email: rwarren@bppj.org

Sexual Harassment Policy - PDF